Duration: 8 months
Completed: 12/2007
Contract Amount: $6,414,897
Crosby-Brownlie, Inc. acted as designer and builder of all HVAC, plumbing, and process mechanical piping systems for new production facility. Project consisted of 100,000 sq. ft. of food manufacturing and 200,000 sq. ft of warehouse space. Project was designed, built, commissioned, and turned over to Barilla in 8 months.
Food Engineering magazine named Barilla America NY, Inc.’s new Avon, NY facility Plant of the Year. Plant Manager Carmine Simone stated “this plant has proven technology… that technology includes the people from Crosby-Brownlie, Inc. who engineered, installed and maintain the chilled, medium temperature and domestic water lines as well as air and exhaust air lines so vital to our operation. They’re good people, they know what they’re doing and they deliver reliability we can’t operate without”.